1 awesome tattoo! I'm in love.
1 trip to Gig Harbor to celebrate my father-in-law's 70th birthday!
4.5 mile walk with 7 of my mother-in-laws friends. This was my absolute favorite part of the trip...listening to their conversations, watching their interactions, seeing the different personalities shine through...I felt like it was one of those movies...you know the ones, where there are the older ladies and one younger lady who just absorbs it all. Like, How to Make an American Quilt or Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood...It was an amazing walk. 9 books I picked up at the library
1 book I actually read, in its entirety, from the library
6 cups of green tea that I drank in about 3 days. I had forgotten how much I love it!
1 dog that I dog sat for a total of 6 hours before she drove me batty with her whining so I dropped her off with my aunt. I love this princess so much but without her mama she's a sad girl.
In other news:
1 rugby match watched in the bitter cold with sprinkles and a not-so pleasant breeze. (Watching our boys win? Well worth the cold.)
18 years of wedded bliss celebrated with my husband.
1 long-lost brother reconnected with (the coolest part of the month, but a story in the making so not a lot of details there, yet...)
1 ladies night out with 5 amazing women
28 days of Q&A a day completed